How Long Does TMJ Last?

West Dental Implants & Prosthetics

How Long Does TMJ Last? TMJ Treatment in Durango. West Dental Implants & Prosthetics. Dental Implants, Full Mouth Restoration, Dentures, TMJ in Durango, CO. 970-236-7705

TMJ, or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, is a common condition that affects the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. It can cause pain, stiffness, and clicking or popping sounds when opening or closing the mouth. 

We offer comprehensive dental care, including cosmetic dentistry, oral surgery, and TMJ Therapy in Durango, Colorado. While it may seem like a temporary issue, many people wonder about the long-term effects of TMJ. So, how long does TMJ last?

Causes of TMJ

Before delving into the duration of TMJ, it is essential to understand the causes of this disorder. Various factors can contribute to its development, including:

  • Injury or trauma to the jaw joint
  • Grinding or clenching teeth, known as bruxism
  • Arthritis in the jaw joint
  • Misalignment of the teeth or jaw
  • Stress and tension that lead to muscle tension in the jaw

While these are common factors, TMJ can occur without a clear cause. It is essentialt to seek treatment for TMJ, regardless of its cause, to prevent further damage and manage symptoms.

Acute vs. Chronic TMJ

We can categorize TMJ as acute or chronic, depending on the duration of symptoms. Acute TMJ is a sudden onset of pain and discomfort in the jaw joint, often caused by an injury or trauma. With proper treatment, acute TMJ can resolve within a few weeks to a few months.

However, if left untreated or if you don’t address the underlying cause, acute TMJ can develop into a chronic condition. We categorize chronic TMJ by persistent symptoms that last for more than six months. In some cases, symptoms may come and go, but they will continue to recur without proper management.

Factors That Affect Duration of TMJ

The duration of TMJ can vary from person to person, depending on various factors such as:

  • Severity of symptoms: Those with more severe and persistent symptoms may experience TMJ longer than those with mild symptoms.
  • Underlying cause: Addressing the root cause of TMJ is crucial in managing the condition. If the underlying cause is not identified and treated, it can lead to chronic TMJ that lasts for years.
  • Treatment: Seeking treatment for TMJ can significantly affect its duration. Those who receive proper treatment early on are more likely to resolve their symptoms quickly and prevent chronic TMJ from developing.
  • Individual response: Each person’s body responds differently to treatment, so the duration of TMJ may vary based on an individual’s response to therapy.

Managing TMJ Symptoms

There are ways to manage TMJ symptoms and improve overall quality of life. Here are some tips to help alleviate discomfort caused by TMJ:

  • Apply heat or ice packs: Applying a warm compress or ice pack to the jaw joint can help reduce pain and stiffness.
  • Practice relaxation techniques: Stress and tension can contribute to TMJ symptoms. Relaxing techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga can help reduce stress and alleviate TMJ symptoms.
  • Avoid hard or chewy foods: These foods can strain the jaw joint, worsening TMJ symptoms. Stick to softer foods that are easier to chew.
  • Use a night guard: If you grind or clench your teeth, wearing a night guard can help protect your teeth and alleviate pressure on the jaw joint.
  • Seek professional treatment: It is important to consult with a dental professional for proper diagnosis and treatment of TMJ. They may recommend options such as physical therapy, medication, or even surgery in severe cases.

The Importance of Seeking Treatment

As mentioned earlier, addressing the root cause of TMJ is crucial in managing the condition and preventing it from becoming chronic. Seeking treatment for TMJ can not only help alleviate symptoms but also prevent potential long-term effects such as chronic pain, difficulty eating, and damage to the teeth.

Moreover, seeking treatment for TMJ can improve overall quality of life. Chronic pain and discomfort can greatly impact daily activities and hinder one’s ability to enjoy life. By properly managing TMJ, individuals can continue to live a normal and pain-free life.

TMJ Treatment in Durango

TMJ is a common condition that affects the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. Its duration can vary from person to person, depending on various factors such as severity of symptoms, underlying cause, and treatment received. While acute TMJ may resolve within a few weeks to months, chronic TMJ can last for years if left untreated. At West Dental Implants & Prosthetics, we can help!

Seeking professional treatment and adopting self-care techniques can significantly improve the duration of TMJ and overall quality of life. If you are experiencing symptoms of TMJ, do not hesitate to contact us and seek help from Dr. Nathan Robison for proper diagnosis and treatment. Remember, managing TMJ is crucial in preventing potential long-term effects and improving overall well-being. So, take care of your jaw joint and enjoy a pain-free life! 

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